Noble Silica Gel is highly porous, amorphous & high capacity adsorbent granules. The internal structure is composed of inter connected microscopic pores which hold water, hydrocarbons, alcohol etc. The adsorption capacity is 40 % of their own weight of water. Silica Gel is chemically inert, non toxic, dimensionally stable & non corrosive.
Noble Silica Gel Self Indicating (Blue) is normally used as an Indicator in Transformer Breathers and moisture adsorption in sealed containers / vessels. Originally it comes in dark blue color (without moisture) & while absorbing moisture it turns in to pink color shows an indication that it has to be replaced or time for regeneration. Physical appearance of Silica Gel remains unchanged without any side effects or chemical reaction even after adsorption.
Noble Silica gel Non-Indicating (White), an amorphous form of silicon dioxide. It is synthetically produced in the form of hard irregular granules (having the appearance of crystals). The micro porous structure of interlocking cavities gives a very high surface area (800 square meters per gram) making silica gel a high capacity desiccant. Physical appearance of Silica Gel remains unchanged without any side effects or chemical reaction even after adsorption.
Water molecules adhere to the gels surface and exhibit a lower vapor pressure than the surrounding air. When equilibrium of equal pressure is reached, no adsorption takes place. Higher the humidity of the surrounding air, the greater will be amount of water that is adsorbed before reaching equilibrium. In higher humidity conditions (above 50% Relative Humidity), stored or in-transit items are susceptible to damage. The unique quality of silica gel is the physical adsorption of water vapor into its internal pores with no by products or side effects or chemical reaction. When it gets saturated with water vapor, silica gel shape remains unchanged and has the appearance of a dry product.
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